Sept. 16 : Informal Writing

I believe art is a whole another language. In painting, colors, brush strokes and every other detail can be a way of communication. I enjoy doing abstract paintings because of the impressions that each people would get. Since everyone has each of their own perception, moods, or point of view, even though they look at a same object, they would get different thoughts and ideas from it. This is the charm of abstract paintings that differs from still life or portrait paintings; the realistic ones.

Two of my previous painting works are abstract. In Robert Platt’s painting class, whole class was to go to UMMA, choose a painting and write about the features. Then we switched what we have written with other classmate and made a small model with tin foil. After taking picture of the tin foil model we painted it with oil paint and the results looked a lot different from the original work from UMMA.

My second abstract painting was in series and I was inspired by how people look at a same object but learns or feels differently due to each one’s own cultural background, emotion, memory and others. I laid a water bottle on the photos that I have taken from various countries where I have traveled, and I painted the distorted figures on pages of books with different sizes.

These are the processes that I have done to create abstract paintings.

My works for IP, series of abstract paintings of my emotions of each day will have contents of representation, and scale. Even though I am working with my personal emotions and memories, these abstract paintings will give impressions to the viewers. Also by working with different scale canvases, it can also be a way to communicate my feelings; not only with colors but also with sizes.

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